Most Asked Questions About Nose Surgery

Post Date: 10/13/2023


In our blog, we've attempted to answer the most common questions about nose surgery, which we frequently encounter regarding nasal aesthetics. If you're considering a nose operation, this content can serve as your guide and help you find answers to some of the questions on your mind.

What Is A Nose Surgery?

Nose surgery, also known as rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed to address shape, size, or functional issues of the nose. It's not done solely for cosmetic reasons; it's also used to correct breathing problems caused by genetic or traumatic factors.

Are Nose Surgery And Rhinoplasty The Same Thing?

Contrary to common belief, nose surgery and rhinoplasty are not the same. The etymology of "Rhinoplasty" is rooted in Ancient Greek. "Rhinon" (ρῖνον) means nose, while "plastikos" (πλαστικός) means to shape. Nose surgery encompasses surgical procedures related to the nose and is a type of nose operation. In contrast, rhinoplasty focuses on nasal aesthetics, aiming to improve or change the shape, size, or function of the nose for aesthetic reasons. Nose surgery, on the other hand, is a broader term that can be performed for the health or functionality of the nose.

I Have Trouble Breathing; Should I Have Nose Surgery?

Breathing difficulties are typically associated with anatomical issues inside the nose, such as deviated septum and nasal tissue growth. If you have complaints of persistent or recurring difficulty in breathing, you should consult an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist (ENT Specialist). Treatment options are determined after consultation and examination, and if there's a problem that could lead to a major issue, early diagnosis can prevent it.

How Significantly Will My Nose Transform Following Rhinoplasty?

The post-rhinoplasty appearance of your nose depends on the specific nasal aesthetic procedures performed. However, there are some common factors that can affect the outcome:

  • The expertise and experience of the specialist
  • Your expectations
  • Your facial and nasal anatomy
  • The structure of your nasal bones
  • Your sensitivity to post-operative care during the recovery process

What Should I Do Before Nasal Surgery?

Before nose surgery, it's essential to follow your doctor's recommendations and adhere to the medical instructions provided based on a medical examination and tests. Factors like the use of blood-thinning medications, smoking and alcohol consumption, and the disclosure of chronic illnesses are especially considered.

Are The Results Of Nose Aesthetics Permanent?

The results of aesthetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty) are long-lasting. Several factors influence the permanence of the results:


  • Surgical Method: The surgical method used and the expertise of the surgeon are highly influential. In nasal aesthetics, the doctor's artistic skills also come into play. A successful specialist can achieve longer-lasting and more permanent results.
  • Post-Operative Care: The level of post-operative care during the recovery period is another significant factor.
  • Genetic Factors: The patient's anatomical predisposition may affect the results. Some individuals may age more rapidly due to genetic reasons, leading to changes in the nose structure over time. After nose aesthetics, skin loosening and tissue changes due to aging may occur.
  • Lifestyle: Embracing a healthy lifestyle and not neglecting personal care requirements is one of the best ways to maintain the effects of rhinoplasty. These practices are essential for everyone, whether they've had surgery or not. Protect your skin from direct sunlight, avoid smoking, drink plenty of water, and engage in regular exercise.

What Type Of Anesthesia Is Used During Nose Surgery?

There are typically two types of anesthesia used: local and general anesthesia. In general anesthesia, the patient is completely sedated during the operation, with no consciousness. In local anesthesia, only the area around the nose is numbed, leaving the patient conscious. The choice of anesthesia type is made collaboratively by the doctor, an anesthesiologist, and the patient.

What do "Open Rhinoplasty" and "Closed Rhinoplasty" Mean?

Open and closed rhinoplasty are types of nose surgery that define the surgical technique to be used.

Open Rhinoplasty: This involves making an incision on the skin to access the procedure. The physician has a clearer view of the medical application area and can perform more detailed correction. This technique is often used in complex nose aesthetics procedures.

Closed Rhinoplasty: In closed rhinoplasty, all incisions are made inside the nose. There are no cuts on the external surface, resulting in minimal scarring. It is preferred for non-complex nose surgeries.

What Are The Rhinoplasty Procedures, And How Long Does A Nose Surgery Typically Last?

There are various procedures. Some of the most common ones include narrowing the nasal bridge, lifting the nasal tip (tipplasty), or reducing the size of nostrils. The choice of rhinoplasty type can vary depending on an individual's needs and goals. The duration of a rhinoplasty surgery can also vary based on factors like the number of surgical steps, the person's health condition, and the complexity of the operation.

A simple procedure may take approximately 1-2 hours, while complex cases can take longer. Additionally, even in a simple operation, the surgeon may want to conduct a detailed and meticulous method, which can affect the duration. Your surgeon will provide specific information about the surgery duration.

Is The Pain From Nose Surgery Severe?

After the surgery, pain, swelling, and edema can occur. Pain is generally mild and can be easily managed with pain relievers prescribed by the doctor. However, the level of discomfort can vary from person to person, as individuals have different pain thresholds. Another factor that can influence the level of pain is the type of nose surgery and the complexity of the surgical procedure. Proper post-operative care and communication with the surgeon help ensure a smooth recovery.

What Should You Consider When Choosing A nose surgery doctor?

When selecting a doctor for nose surgery, it is crucial to prioritize professionalism and choose an experienced specialist. The doctor should be an ear, nose, and throat specialist or a plastic surgeon. You should investigate the doctor's educational background, review their clinic or social media profiles, and check for references. If you want more detailed information, consult with Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı Clinic