Nasal Bone Correction: Surgery and Recovery

Post Date: 4/24/2024

Nasal Bone Correction: Surgery and Recovery

You can get comprehensive information about nasal bone correction surgery, also called septum deviation or septoplasty, from this article.

The method used when nasal bone curvature occurs is surgical intervention. In this procedure, the structure called septum is worked on. The septum is the name of the structure that separates the nostrils and passages into two separate parts. The front side is cartilage and the back is bone.

What causes the curvature of the nose is that this structure is shaped to the right or left. It is a very common condition. If you have a curvature in your nasal bone, you may not only be aesthetically concerned because this situation makes it difficult for you to breathe comfortably. If you are considering nasal bone correction surgery, you can contact Prof. Dr Selçuk İnanlı.

Why is Nose Bone Correction Surgery Needed?

If you are a candidate for nasal bone correction surgery, some symptoms have appeared. The factors listed below are among the reasons for septum deviation:

  • Difficulty breathing in and out
  • Snoring in sleep
  • Poor quality sleep
  • Loss of appetite
  • Differences in taste and smell
  • Sinusitis
  • Daytime desire to sleep

Who Can Have Nasal Bone Correction Surgery?

Since the nasal bone correction operation is a surgical procedure, a comprehensive evaluation is performed when deciding on the surgery. In this examination, the specialist decides whether you are a candidate for septoplasty according to some factors. It is recommended to have this surgery at an age when your bone and facial development is complete. However, if there is a nasal fracture after an accident or trauma, it can also be performed at an early age.

How is Nose Bone Correction Surgery Performed?

After finding the answer to the question of what is nasal bone correction surgery, you may be wondering how septoplasty is performed. First of all, it should be known that it can usually be performed after the age of 18. Since it is a surgical procedure, it is performed under general anesthesia. This operation, which allows you to breathe comfortably and have a beautiful nose appearance by correcting your nasal bone, can be applied with an open or closed technique.

In nasal bone correction surgery performed with the open technique, your specialist makes an incision at the tip of your nose. The cartilage and bone structure are accessed in this way. The curvature here is corrected. During septoplasty in women, care is taken to ensure that the appearance between the nose and the upper part of the lip is harmonious. After finishing the procedure, your specialist closes the incisions with sutures. Since self-disappearing stitches are generally used today, you do not need to worry about scars.

What Should Be Considered After Nose Bone Correction Surgery?

After nasal bone correction surgery, you usually need to be under the follow-up of your specialist for 1 day.  In some cases, overnight hospitalization may not be given, 5-6 hours of observation may be sufficient. If there is no unfavorable situation and no complications are seen, you can be discharged. Your specialist may prescribe painkillers and antibiotics. You must use these medicines as recommended without neglecting them. You should rest for a few days after the operation.

If you are wondering when you can return to work after nasal bone correction surgery, you can consult your specialist. You can usually return to your routine work after a few days. However, there are things you should pay attention to during this period, that is, during the recovery period after septoplasty. This process includes the removal of tampons and splints.

Things to Do After Nose Bone Correction Surgery

The recommendations you should follow after undergoing nasal bone correction surgery are explained in detail by your specialist. In this process, you should be patient and take care to see the full results. It is mostly recommended that you eat liquid foods during the recovery period. The reason for this is the tampon inside your nose. You should protect your nose from external factors and impacts.

After nasal bone correction surgery, it is important to raise your pillow while sleeping at night to sleep comfortably. You should also avoid the use of glasses whenever possible. You should keep your operation area away from wetness and moisture. The area where your stitches are should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Postponing heavy and strenuous exercises for a while will also help you have a comfortable recovery period.

What Happens If Nasal Bone Curvature Is Not Corrected?

If you have nasal bone curvature, living in this way significantly affects your quality of life. It is recommended to correct the septum curvature with surgery. If left untreated, you may face problems such as sleep apnoea, blockage of the Eustachian tube, fluid accumulation in the ear, pharyngitis due to mouth breathing, headache, and nasal discharge. In addition, constantly breathing through your mouth instead of your nose can cause serious disorders in your upper respiratory tract and lungs in the medium and long term.

In some cases, nasal bone correction surgery, septoplasty, can also be performed together with rhinoplasty. In this case, edema may be observed temporarily. Within a few weeks following the operation, swelling and bruises due to the operation completely disappeared. It is also natural to experience a slight loss of sensation in the area where the stitches are located. This situation also disappears over time during your recovery period.

If you follow your specialist's recommendations to the letter and take the necessary precautions, you can achieve the appearance you desire. Today, these surgeries are performed safely.