Who Should Have Nose Sculpting Procedure?

Post Date: 3/13/2020

The removal of the humps on the nasal bone is one of the most common causes of rhinoplasty. Although these protrusions on the nose are genetically inherited, they may sometimes be caused by trauma in the nose. However, these humps greatly affect the appearance of the nose and face. They are especially more evident from the profile view. The humps on the nasal bone are largely corrected by nose sculpting operations. It is up to you to choose how much of these humps you want to be corrected. Some patients prefer a more natural-looking nose, while others prefer a more concave, non-protruding nose. Considering the needs of the patient deciding on the aesthetic operation, an excellent appearance is obtained with artistic and surgical experience. The nose is designed according to individual needs. While those who wish a more feminine appearance request the bones and cartilage that make up the hump to be removed or reduced, it is preferred to reduce the hump in order not to lose its natural appearance and disrupt the masculine nasal structure especially in men. These humps on the nose differ from person to person. One-third of the nasal hump consists of bone and the remaining two-thirds consists of cartilage. The nasal humps may be centered only on the bone, or both on the bone and cartilage. The most common form is the formation of humps both on the cartilage and bone. In this case, the bone and cartilage will be sculpted in order to be reduced to the appropriate level according to the desired profile line in this nose sculpting operation. The operation, which is performed to reduce or remove the hump formation, is planned according to the facial anatomy of the patient. Bruising and edema on the face and eyes after rhinoplasty surgeries are not encountered after nasal sculpting procedure. In addition, the healing process is very fast, and the risks are low. Therefore, nose sculpting operation is highly preferred by those who are not satisfied with their nasal humps and want them to be reduced. The patients can return to their daily lives in a short time after the operation. The hump on the back of the nose will be reduced to the desired level and the nose will be shaped with a simpler method in nose sculpting operations, but the correction of the nose curvature cannot be performed together with these operations. Nose sculpting operations are preferred especially in cases where the hump on the back of the nose is smaller; however, this operation alone will not be sufficient for the nose where the protrusion is large. The method of operation will be selected by the nose analysis performed in the patient. Nasal tip lift and nose reduction procedures can be performed in combination with nose sculpting surgery according to the shape of your nose, that is, these operations can be carried out together in the same session. Planning in nose sculpting operations will be done in accordance with your face, profile and nose angles. This procedure includes detailed measurement. The nose structure, most suitable for your face and closest to the golden ratio, which is considered the general aesthetic measurement, will be preferred, and operation planning will be done accordingly. In this case, many measurements of your face will be taken such as nose bridge and forehead angle, forehead structure, nose tip dimensions, distance between the nose and eyebrows, nose bridge and upper lip length, teeth and jaw structure, angle between the nose and lips. The advantages of nose sculpting procedures are that the risk is lower compared to classic nasal surgeries, and the healing process of the patient is very fast. Complications such as edema and bruises on the face are not observed. You get a permanent nose shape with this operation. Deformations that disrupt the aesthetic structure of the nose, such as low nose tip and nose curvature, are also removed during nose sculpting operation. The operation is performed under general or local anesthesia depending on the size of the procedure.If you consider having rhinoplasty surgery, contact us right away to get a free consultancy service from Prof. Dr. Selçuk İnanlı