What is Open Nose Surgery and How is It Performed?

Post Date: 3/2/2023


Open nose surgery is a type of surgical procedure that aims to improve the function and/or appearance of the nose. The procedure is called "open" because the surgeon makes an incision on the skin between the nostrils, allowing them to lift the skin and access the underlying structures of the nose.

What is the Open Rhinoplasty Procedure?

Open rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure performed to improve the aesthetic appearance or function of the nose. It is performed to address aesthetic issues such as the shape, size, slope, width, and tip of the nose. It may also be preferred to improve functional disorders such as deviation of the nasal septum or nasal obstruction.

Open nose surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The specialist makes an incision in the skin between the nostrils, then exposes the cartilage and bone structure of the nose. Afterward, the nose is shaped or reconstructed. Incisions are made and repositioned as necessary in the nasal cartilages and bones. Then, the size and shape of the nostrils are adjusted. The open rhinoplasty procedure allows doctors to perform detailed surgery as it makes accurate control and adjustment more possible.

There may be some complications associated with open rhinoplasty, such as infection and bleeding. Therefore, it is important to discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor before surgery. Discussing the risks and benefits with your doctor before surgery is important Turkey, you can contact us and schedule a free consultation.

How is Open Nose Surgery Performed?

Open nose surgery is performed to reshape or repair the nose. The procedure is completed in an average of 2-4 hours with the realization of several stages.

The patient is given general anesthesia to ensure comfort during the procedure. The specialist makes a small incision along the columella, the strip of skin that separates the nostrils. This incision is usually inconspicuous and leaves minimal scarring. The doctor then lifts the skin and soft tissue of the nose to access the underlying structures. The doctor reshapes the nose by removing or adding bone or cartilage as needed. They may use grafts from other parts of the body or synthetic materials to enlarge the nose. After the reshaping is complete, the doctor closes the incision with stitches.

The patient rests in the hospital or clinic where the procedure took place until they are awake and stable enough to go home. During this period, the patient is monitored for possible complications. Resting and avoiding strenuous activities few weeks while the nose is healing is important.

It is important to remember that open nose surgery is a procedure that should only be performed by a skilled and experienced specialist doctor. Recovery time and results may vary depending on the extent of the surgery and the patient's individual recovery process.

What is the Difference Between Open & Closed Rhinoplasty?

Open and closed rhinoplasty are two techniques used in nasal surgery to reshape or repair the nose. In closed rhinoplasty, all incisions are made inside the nostrils. This means that no external incisions are made on the nose. The surgeon accesses the underlying structures of the nose through these internal incisions, and they reshape the nose using specialized instruments.

In open rhinoplasty, a small incision is made across the columella, the strip of skin that separates the nostrils. This allows the surgeon to lift the skin and soft tissue of the nose, providing direct access to the underlying structures of the nose. This technique is sometimes also called external rhinoplasty.

Both techniques have advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on the specific needs and goals of the patient, as well as the surgeon's experience and preferences. Closed rhinoplasty is typically less invasive, with a shorter recovery time and less scarring. However, open rhinoplasty provides better visibility and control during surgery, which can be particularly helpful for more complex procedures.

What are the Advantages of Open Nose Surgery?

Open rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure for nose reshaping or repair. This technique uses an incision outside the nose to provide direct access to the nasal structure. The following advantages indicate that open nose surgery may be more suitable than other techniques:

► Better Visibility: Because the nasal skin is lifted during open nose surgery, the surgeon is more likely to provide a better view of the nasal structure and make more accurate decisions in the nose shaping process.

► More Control: Open nose surgery provides access to the entire nose, so the surgeon can better see and manipulate the entire nasal structure.

► More Flexibility: Open rhinoplasty may be more appropriate in more complex cases of the nasal structure, such as revision rhinoplasty or serious nasal injuries.

► Better Breathing: Open nose surgery can be used to correct breathing problems by opening the airways of the nose at the same time as reshaping the nasal structure.

Open nose surgery is the most preferred and ideal option for nose reshaping or repair. To experience a successful rhinoplasty procedure, you can contact Prof.Dr. Selçuk İnanlı and his well-equipped medical team achieve the best possible results. Schedule your consultation now and unlock the full potential of your nose with the advantages of open rhinoplasty.